Asylum begins with Words are funny things. Their meaning, the pictures they paint in the minds of those that hear them; they're not always the same...and that makes them meaningless.
I read this and thought for sure that I was in for something in which I had never encountered. For an author to suggest that the foundation of all writing is meaningless as the draw into her story, she has to be pretty confident that the words contained within the pages are pretty significant.
Lily White delivered. Words was a perfect metaphor for the suggestions her characters receive from others. The entire story takes place in a mental institution with few characters but the story is rich. Through memories and suppositions Asylum seemed like a much larger story.
Having said that, I was a little disappointed in the ending, I think because I had Alex all summed up and was certain of the outcome White was working toward; but, honestly, I was thrown for a loop when I read the ending to the story and even more when I continued through to the epilogue. I am definitely going to read this through at lest one more time [with knowledge of the ending] to see where I missed the clues.
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I read this and thought for sure that I was in for something in which I had never encountered. For an author to suggest that the foundation of all writing is meaningless as the draw into her story, she has to be pretty confident that the words contained within the pages are pretty significant.
Lily White delivered. Words was a perfect metaphor for the suggestions her characters receive from others. The entire story takes place in a mental institution with few characters but the story is rich. Through memories and suppositions Asylum seemed like a much larger story.
Having said that, I was a little disappointed in the ending, I think because I had Alex all summed up and was certain of the outcome White was working toward; but, honestly, I was thrown for a loop when I read the ending to the story and even more when I continued through to the epilogue. I am definitely going to read this through at lest one more time [with knowledge of the ending] to see where I missed the clues.
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