Sam sipped her whiskey sour, pursing her lips around a plastic straw. She pulled the brandied soaked cherry between her fingers and then over her lips to savor the flavor long after she felt the squirt of juice on the back of her tongue. She looked around the hotel bar. She did not see the man she met online and was to meet in person this evening. She closed her eyes and sighed, heavily annoyed that she had given herself fault hope that she was capable of enticing a couple to meet her for an encounter.
The bartender slid a room key aside the whiskey and said, “It’s time for bed.”
Sam fingered the key and raised her eyebrows while a smirk curled ‘round her cheek.
Walking to the elevator Sam was a bit wobbly in her heels, but not because she was unaccustomed to walking gracefully in stilettos. Her feet tried to steady her head while in motion causing an unintended sway and wiggle, She regretted the third cocktail while waiting and hoped her performance would not suffer as a result.
When she stepped into the car, she was alone and leaned against the panel of buttons illuminating them all. The doors started closing and a man pushed his arm through, forcing the machine to grant entrance.
His smell filled her. While she reached for the wall so gravity did not have her way with Sam on the floor, he reached around her. His beard brushed along her cheek while his breath was on her neck. He whispered, “Thanks for coming.”
Sam responded, “Are we alone?”
He hitched up her skirt from behind and pulled her ass closer. Sam could feel his cock pressing hard against her, through his zipper. The door opened on the second floor. He said, “Not for long.”
Sam didn’t know if it was because someone came into the elevator or because his wife was waiting upstairs. She made eye contact with the new elevator occupant, immediately knowing it was not his wife. She licked her lips, remembering the flavor of the brandied cherry, and pressed deeper against her tryst. She felt him stiffen.
The intrusion smiled and turned his back toward the couple. Sam stifled a moan as her mate slid his hand to the small of her back and then around to grasp her breast beneath the lace buffering it lightly from the silk of her dress.
Floor three, the car stopped again. A couple waited as the doors open. Again, Sam made contact with other patrons of the hotel. Their eyes looked at her exposed thighs and his tongue sliding along her neck to her earlobe. With trepidation, one of them asked, “Down?”
The gentleman from the second floor looked behind him quickly to see the bulge of her partner’s hand squeezing Sam’s breast and then said definitively to the couple in the hall. “No. Up.”
The bell sounded loudly on the fourth floor. The gentleman stepped to the side while an elderly woman entered with a walker. She smiled without judgement at all three in the car. “I remember when my husband touched me like that,” she said.
Sam realized the indiscretion, although within her, she enjoyed having others watch her. She pulled down her skirt and straightened her stance to separate herself from her rendezvous. The elderly woman stood smiling at the two calming their lust, but still showing their attraction.
Floor Five. He whispered along Sam’s cheek, “One more.”
Sam looked at the room key she still held in her hand. Six Two Four. She focused on the numbers and breathed deeply.
“How long have you been dating?” The elderly woman was intrigued by the public display.
Sam blushed. She felt awkward with the fact this was the first time she had laid both hands and eyes on the man behind her with a raging hard on.
He took the lead. “This weekend is actually a milestone for us.”
“Isn’t that wonderful? What milestone?”
The bell sounded for the sixth floor. “This is our floor. It’s the first time we’re fucking,” he said as he ushered Sam from the car.
The doors closed and Sam laughed, again using the wall for support. He pressed his body against her, pulling her face close to his. He brushed her nose with his and licked her lips. “Cherry?”
“From the whiskey,” Sam said and pulled his mouth onto hers.
She pursed her lips and he forced his tongue through.
“We should have brought some of those cherries up with us. You are delicious.”
Sam opened her mouth and drew his breath into her throat while he licked her tongue.
“I want this mouth on my wife’s pussy while I’m pounding you from behind.”
“And after, lick her cum from my lips.”
“So fucking hot. Let’s get to the room.” He pulled her down the hall and pressed the key card into the door. As he opened it, Sam saw the room was prepared with dim lighting and candles making the scent of roses envelope her like an embrace.
The door hadn’t closed before he peeled Sam’s dress from her body. He spun her around, looking at the bra and panties she chose for the encounter.
“I wanna cum on this lace,” he said.
“Top or bottom?”
Sam looked in the bathroom and then climbed up onto to the bed, perching on her knees. “Where’s your wife?”
“She’ll be here.”
“I thought the three of us-”
Sam couldn’t finish her statement before he climbed onto the bed mirroring her action and said, “She wants to walk in on us.”
Sam dragged her finger along his chest with salt & pepper hair that was soft and groomed as neatly as his beard. She leaned into him licking his nipple that came at attention as her mouth approached.
“Take your pants off,” Sam commanded.
He complied with her wish and again, perched on his knees. Sam leaned her head down to his cock with her ass high in the air. She kissed the tip, and then drew in the shaft until it reached the back of her throat. He grabbed her ankles and buried his face deep into her ass, licking the fabric of her panties. Her mouth watered with his taste. The more she licked the wetter his cock became, dripping over his balls and onto the sheets below. He pressed his hands under the lace and spread her cheeks, still with his tongue pressing through the light fabric. She dripped within her panties and pushed her ass harder to his mouth.
The door clicked with the sound of the lock disengaging. His wife stood in the doorway. Sam shifted her eyes, but kept her husband’s cock in her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the girth of his manhood and licked from balls to tip while his wife stood in the light of the hallway watching.
She let the door close slowly behind her. While she walked to the bed, she disrobed and stood naked with a tuft of blonde pubic hair in Sam’s line of sight. He stretched and pulled out of Sam’s grasp and then stood to kiss his wife on her belly, working his way up to her breasts and then licking her neck before deeply kissing her mouth. Sam wriggled across the bed and kneaded the cheeks of his ass while she licked the curves of his body from behind.
He reached around to gently pull Sam’s hair and she rose to kiss his neck, then pulled his wife’s mouth to hers over his shoulder. He removed himself from between the women and in one motion, the wife laid upon the bed, with her head on the pillows, Sam slide down between her thighs, and he pulled Sam’s ass up and pulled her panties to the side so he could enter her from behind.
He pounded Sam’s ass, lubricating it with a silken lotion. Sam separated his wife’s lips. She licked from her hole to her clit, sucking until it grew larger with every stroke of Sam’s tongue. His wife moaned and pulled Sam’s hair while she was grinding her pussy into Sam’s mouth.
He watched his wife as she was pleasured by another. He slowed his movement in Sam’s ass. He felt like he would soon explode. Sam pushed back forcing him deeper inside her. He pulled out and fell back on the bed next to his wife, just watching the women while he stroked himself slowly.
Sam pressed her fingers inside his wife as she licked. She felt his wife’s pussy pull her fingers inside. They tightened around her and her excitement dribbled down Sam’s wrist. Sam lapped up the teardrops of lust like a thirsty dog. She wanted more and pressed deeper and worked four fingers inside and then stretched her out, causing a reaction inside of quickening and pulsating contractions. Sam thought his wife would break her knuckles but it was the only way to quench her thirst. Sam pulled out and spread his wife’s legs farther apart, pushing her shoulders between her knees and the bed. He sat stroking with his breath quickening.
Sam was frantic with passion. She wanted his wife to cum in her mouth and to cum hard, but something held her back. Sam climbed up to whisper in her ear, “Get up with me.” His wife pulled her body up and drew Sam’s breasts into her mouth, squeezing, licking, and sucking.
He moved his leg around his wife. She lifted her body to ride his cock with her back to his face. He laid back and let the women feel pleasure on his body.