Surely it was not a day I could skip a shower and reasonably my reason tells me that my days are better when I wash the dreams from my eyes and smell of perfumed soaps while i walk through this world that stinks.
So steam filled the room and I turned the faucets to adjust the temperature lower so it wouldn't leave my skin quite so hot, but as warm as I could bear to burn the muck out from within. I just wanted a fresh start. i spent the whole of the day before saying both outwardly and inwardly, "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow," realizing under the scent of an almond and shea butter veil that it is only today.
Coffee in my cup, keys in my hands, I have no goal other than to leave work on time and get home at a reasonable hour. Home.
My mind races as I write these words telling me to list painting the banister and buying new pillows and blankets to the goals for the day. And in my manic state, I'm repressing the urge to listen to that voice. Goal is only to get home at a reasonable hour. That's it brain!
I slid into my seat on the train and crossed my legs to find my right shoe is untied and the one lace was completely out of the grommit. Maybe if I look a bit closer, I'll see the aglet is cracked or missing? Bottom line, I am what you call undone.
I am untied. The left shoe is tied neatly. So I poke my brain into action remembering sliding into my shoes and folding the lace neatly in a bow. Left is fine and ready for the day. Right... Nope. How my shoe even stayed on my foot walking to the bus, climbing stairs - never mind the escalator where it could have easily been eaten by monstrous mechanical teeth causing me to overreact and remember when the fabric of my big pants was chewed to shreds as I saw my life end in a comedic display of hyperbolic tension. well, I'll never know how it stayed on.
Sometimes I do manage to keep shoes on my feet and brains in my head when I am completely untied and unready for the day.